Love & Hate With Lola Mignot

Photo by Nico Bohorquez.

Lovely longboarding lady Lola.

Someone whose life we look on with tremendous envy as she transverses the globe surfing and living in a bikini. I mean does she even own a jumper? Probably not. One thing we can tell you about Lola though is that despite her living out the dream of many, you can’t even hate her for it because she’s just so damn nice. What does a nice person hate? Not a lot, but we managed to get some out of her anyway.


  1. I love my Mama, my Papa, my brother, and all the other 45 members of my family.

  2. I love my man Nico Bohorquez.

  3. I love laughing so much I can't feel my face.

  4. I love every single one of my friends. 

  5. I Love good food, good simple fresh food.

  6. I love a good night out, accompanied by margaritas.

  7. I Love having an interesting conversation with random people.

  8. I love my dog Lucky.

  9. I love Mexico and all its beaches.

  10. I love perfect waves on a perfect board.


  1. I hate fast food.

  2. I hate dirty tables at a restaurant.. all dirty tables

  3. I hate being stuck in traffic with no AC in the middle of summer.

  4. I hate waking up at night and not being able to go back to sleep.

  5. I hate looking for waves all day and not finding anything worth surfing.

  6. I hate rude ass people.

  7. I hate getting into any argument with loved ones.

  8. I hate wearing a leash on a longboard.

  9. I hate the allergies that I get almost every other day.

  10. I hate being sick.


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