Field Reports with Jade mcdaniel

Skateboarding, art, the great outdoors.

Three things very close to our hearts. Three things also very close to Jade McDaniel’s heart. She lives and breathes those things. She also lives and breathes in Los Angeles. What else does Jade live and breathe? Air, for one. Ceramics, for another. Turns out there are a lot of things one can live and/or breathe. It’s a tough thing, being so talented and yet so inhibited by a stunningly successful modeling career. The glamour and elegance of the fashion world doesn’t leave a lot of time for hanging out in the woods or making beautiful things, and while that is a major problem, a balance can be struck. Read below to find out how.

How long have you been skating and where did it start?

My dad got me my first board (Jim Greco hammers deck) when I was 13. Started at a warehouse called sanctuary in Macon, Georgia.

How did your love of the outdoors begin?

Growing up in Georgia there is nature all around. We had woods as our backyard and my grandma has a little farm further south. Spent a lot of my time growing up barefoot playing in rivers and lakes and collecting rocks and befriending animals.

What do you think you'd be doing with your time if you didn't have access to those things?

I hate to say it, but probably lots of drugs.

What do you do to find inspiration for your ceramics?

I’ll find inspiration in just about anything. Especially movies. I’m just obsessed with every movie that Hayao Miyazaki has ever created. I’ve noticed this is a thing with lots of ceramicist. The girlies love Hayao Miyazaki. Great minds think alike.

Ceramics and claywork is very tactile and very connected to land and natural elements. What do you make of that connection, especially when considering you live in a city?

I also feel like I’m very connected to the earth and all of its elements and that’s absolutely why I have this strong connection with ceramics. Living in a city is always gonna be rough for me but I have found a nice balance. There is nature all around us. Just gotta go out and find it.

What's your recommendation for people interested in trying ceramics but are intimidated?

I was intimidated as well in the beginning but practicing ceramics helps you overcome that fear. It teaches you patience as well as letting go, among other things. Ceramics is so much more than making a bowl or a cup. It will transform you. - Go take a class at your local pottery studio. I started off at bitterroot on Beverly Blvd about 8 years ago and was the best decision I ever made.

What’s more fun - golfing or skating?

At this point in my life. Golfing. I know for a fact that I’m going to walk off the course with no bruises or sprained ankles/wrists. I can’t afford to hurt up my wrists anymore since I use them for ceramics.

What value do you think spending time outside and in nature has for one's happiness?

Spending time outside and in nature is one of the most healing things you can do for your mind and body. I know this because I have experienced this.

What’s one song that reminds you of being out in nature?

I have one album - Talkie Walkie by AIR.


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